Spinal Tap 11 Meme

My blogger friend Jill at the Cinquecento Project tagged me on a meme featuring 11 questions (I guess because it’s one louder than ten). It was called “Blogger Tag” in Jill’s post, but I’ve decided to rename it the Spinal Tap 11 Meme.

Spinal Tap 11 Meme Rules:
1. You must post the rules.
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
3. Tag eleven people and link to them on your post.
4. Let them know you’ve tagged them!

Jill’s 11 Questions and My Answers:

1. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
My initial reaction: “eek, this is so embarrassing!” Then I remembered I wrote about it in some detail. Too late to be embarrassed now. I had my first kiss at 18.

2. Do you have a preference in how your toilet paper rolls? If so, over or under?
I do, so is it weird that I just had to go look? Under.

3. How long have you been blogging?
Since November 2010. My original intent was to write a productivity-related blog based on my online to do list (featured in my charming first post). Zzzzzzzzzzzzz…I have no idea why I thought that would be a good idea. Quickly morphed into memoir, humor, food, career, and just general blathering.

4. Who made the biggest influence on your decision to blog?
Dave has provided support and the all-important permission to write about personal stuff, but the person who made me want to blog is Linda at All & Sundry. I’ve mentioned her writing before, but what I really covet is the lovely informal community she’s built. She doesn’t just receive comments, but starts real and respectful conversations. I would love to get responses to my questions, like this post where she asked for running song recommendations and got 144 responses. It’s like she has a pool of thousands in her “Phone a Friend” bank.

5. What is the most compassionate act you made today?
I smiled and nodded at someone who stepped on my foot leaving the metro today when she apologized rather than glaring at her in a huff like I might usually do. Like the time I yelled “you are a jackass” at the guy in the SUV who almost ran me over as he was trying to apologize to me. I’m not the world’s most compassionate person is what I’m saying. Unless we’re talking about animals. Hey! I sat on the porch with Chuck for 45 minutes this evening even though it was chilly and drizzling because I knew Chuck wanted to.

6. Where is the next place you would visit, if you could take a trip anywhere?
Nepal to see red pandas? Australia to see koalas? London to see Wimbledon?

7. Is altruism real or are we all fulfilling selfish desires when we help others?
Is this a trick question? I think anything we do after having time to think about it stems from our own desires and needs, even if those desires tell us to help others. We help others because it makes us feel good, because we want to avoid guilt, because we would want others to help us or our loved ones if we were in the same situation. I think it might be more telling what we do when we don’t have time to think about it.

8. When was the time when you felt the most brave?
Probably when I tried to defuse Dad’s anger growing up. It usually worked. Until it didn’t.

9. Do you donate money, time, both or neither to charity/your community?
I donate money sometimes. I would like to volunteer at an animal shelter or with a rescue group, but I worry I wouldn’t have the stomach for it. I’d want to bring every dog home.

10. What did you do last Saturday?
Postponed my 6-mile run (wind). Went to a planning session for a Meet Up group. As is often the case around people I don’t know well, didn’t say much. Became painfully aware of my silence. Left early. Went to dinner with some new friends that thankfully went much better. Dragged Dave to a custard place across town as part of my ice cream “research.” Got annoyed that they were out of custard two hours before closing on a Saturday! On way back to car, walked by a coffee shop with live music (involving a concertina, Dave’s new instrument obsession) and Dave said, “I’m going to blow your mind and say that’s the Rodger French Trio.” Agreed to go in and listen to them for 30 minutes even though it was jazz (see, I can be compassionate!). Got ice cream somewhere else. Made two batches of ice cream mix to freeze on Sunday.

11. If you could choose a job that everyone should have at least once, what would it be and why?
I think most people would say waiter/waitress, but since I’ve never done that, I’m going with survey developer. It’s shocking how easy it is to get people to answer questions incorrectly. Never believe survey results. 

My Questions 

I’m tagging more than 11 bloggers. I recently joined a new community called “We’re Not Mommy Bloggers.” As I’ve said before, not being a Mom, particularly at the ripe old age of pushing-40 can start to get a little isolating, so I was very excited that Katie and Bernie started this community. I thought tagging the group would be a good way to get to know each other. And I’m nosy.

So I’m tagging everyone linked here. If you’re not tagged, and you want to answer any/all questions, I’d love to read your responses (have I mentioned I’m nosy?).

1. Why do you blog?

2. Do your friends/family/coworkers know about your blog?

3. How long does it take you to write an average blog post?

4. How do you keep up with the blogs you follow?

5. What is your bedtime?

6. Introvert or extrovert?

7. What is your biggest fear?

8. What is the best job you ever had?

9. Dog person/cat person/both/neither?

10. Want kids someday/on the fence/don’t want kids (since I’m tagging a group called “Not Mommy Bloggers,” I’m assuming “have kids” isn’t a response option–see I’ve been a survey developer)?

11. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Obviously if the tag-ees don’t want to play/want to play but change the rules/want to sponsor legislation to ban memes, it’s all good. 

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