Photo Friday: Lucky 13

In the words of my Dad, I’ve been “steady busy.” I’ve been planning a new ice cream blog. Because when you can’t find the time or energy to update your first blog, why not start another one?  I’ve also been: making ice cream, taking a small business workshop (see also: ice cream), worrying about my…

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Playlist Week 6: So Then I Got This Idea About Driving A Cheesecake Truck

I’m challenging myself to get through a whole shuffle of my music collection on my iPod without skipping. Then I write about what I heard each week. I have been playing the game Collapse on my iPod while listening to the shuffle on my commute. Perhaps it’s cheating, because it allows me extra entertainment during…

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Too Soon

One indulgence in a life spent caring for others. Tethered to an oxygen tank, she was often left behind. Until she left us behind. —————————————————————————- This week’s Red Writing Hood prompt was to write a story as a tweet–in 140 characters or less. This is a story I have wanted to tell, but didn’t feel…

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