Photo Friday: Baby Sale

A couple of weeks ago, I started seeing signs like this one popping up in the neighborhood.

And I thought, “Great! I’ve been looking for an inexpensive baby!” Unfortunately by the time Dave and I got to the sale, they’d run out of babies and only had some baby clothes and a stroller left. And who’s going to buy that stuff when the babies are sold out? Bummer.

All was not lost, as Dave and I did have fun coming up with snarky comments about the concept of a Baby Sale. Maybe I’m the only one this sign strikes as funny, but there has to be a better way to advertise this, no?

What was your first thought on seeing the sign in this picture? I know I have witty readers, amuse me!

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3 Responses to “Photo Friday: Baby Sale”

  1. cinquecentoproject
    Friday, October 7, 2011 at 7:37 am #

    Ha ha ha, You have me laughing out loud in the library!

    I’ve been pulling myself out of an intense Occupy Wall Street think-fest and I’m trying to loosen up and laugh again. I am so straight right now, I actually didn’t read the sign and just skipped ahead to your prose. Great reminder to keep looking for opportunities to LAUGH…hee hee.

  2. JT
    Friday, October 7, 2011 at 8:08 pm #

    Hmmm, How much do they want for them when they aren’t on sale? Are they open to bartering? I hope you left your name in case any babies were returned because they were gifts that someone else already conceived or the wrong size etc.

  3. sigonee
    Saturday, October 8, 2011 at 2:23 pm #

    At least they didn’t add “BOGO FREE!”

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